Wednesday 17 February 2010

Supersize Me

Saturday, as is customary in most households, is a special day. Its the day we get ready for Sunday! Or for those not of a religous persuasion, it is the day when jobs and shopping are performed. The day commenced with washing (I love doing washing but nor the folding or ironing parts) followed by a trip to Smiths to procure some of the necessary food shopping on the list. Following lunch I was taken to two of the most enormous stores I have ever cast my eyes upon, to complete the weekly shop. Costco sell in bulk, a well known fact, but they do bigger and better bulk here if you have the requisite RV to transport it all home! They have "zamples" to try and you can practically eat a full lunch if you had one of each. However, I am trying to eat healthily so treats are being rationed in proportion to the quantity of healthy food I have consumed in a day.

1 comment:

  1. I did lunch at Costco a few weeks ago!!! I think I got pretty much all the food groups in there too! But somehow the fact that the raw value in dollars looks more than its equivalent in pounds makes me still wonder if most of that stuff is really worth buying, especially as I don't know how much of it I really would need. However a big double box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch didn't need any debate in my mind other than wondering if it had too little nutrition compared to the other options!
