Thursday 25 March 2010

The Cheesecake Factory-Take II

After a long day at school I was starving!!! Despite being on a health drive we ordered curbside-to-go Cheesecake Factory which was to be ready in 20 minutes rather than the 2 hour wait we would have had to endure to eat in the restaurant! This turned out to be a most marvellous plan and, once home, we got into out pyjamas and had a picnic on the bed whilst watching Confessions of a Shopaholic!! A glorious end to a productive day!


  1. wow.. sounds you are a busy busy girl. Our Relief Society also makes quilts. I think it is a great project.

  2. Yum! Wish I could have been there, too! Did you take away any dessert as well? :)

  3. We ordered curbside to go and had a picnic on Jodi's bed with confessions of a shopaholic!!
