Monday 15 March 2010

The sun has got his hat on.............

........................but we have no suncream!!! A friend of Ruth's had invited us to go skiing at the Sundance resort near Provo! I was very excited about this prospect until I discovered that my holiday insurance did not conver me for winter sports. This did not bode well for someone who fractured their left arm at the age of 13, whilst on the carpeted area of the ice rink, who would have, most likely, broken every bone in their body if not insured! With it being such favourable weather I joined the skiers for the drive into the mountains so that I could take photo's of the gorgeous scenery. I have been unusually blessed with many a blue sky on this trip, which makes a change from the dull expanse of unbroken greyness that one is, more often than not, accustomed to in England.
I left the skiers and proceeded down to the lower levels and proceeded to take photographs of the scenery and, particularly, the beautiful river that flowed through the resort. Though there seemed more than ample snow for the participants, apparently Utah had had the least snowfall for many years. That might go somewhat to explaining why England is still under a blanket of snow! Utah-you can keep it in future!
Unfortunately, the happy trio omitted the use of suncream on this excursion and the results were rather striking several hours later! I sported a sunburned underchin and Ruth sported a t-zone burn where her hat had not quite covered her face! Thank goodness for make-up I say! I think we have both learned our lesson and will take the necessary precautions next time!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you are having a fantastic time in Utah!!! Too bad you could not go skiing. Utah has some amazing slopes.
